
Red Confidential App Update

Following my previous attempt to create an app for this blog,  I am excited to present the latest version of the Red Confidential App!

First, I must apologise that it’s taken me a whole year to come up with an update. During my time in India, I tried to get a Programmer to help me incorporate the required features, but I guess my project wasn’t worth his time. So, it was up to me again, and between my 9-5, Coursera online classes, travelling, taking pictures and writing for this blog, finding time to code and debug was almost impossible.

Regardless, I finally figured out how to incorporate a Card View with an RSS Parser and it makes a world of difference. Plus, I believe this update loads much faster than the previous version, depending on the quality of your internet connection.

I’m still working on adding a few features in a subsequent update, which will include:

  • a Search Capability
  • a Notification Capability
  • a version for iOs (Apple) users

A big “Thank-you!” to everyone who downloaded and installed the earlier version, and gave me helpful feedback and improvement suggestions. You all have been incredibly supportive, and I hope this version makes you proud!

In the meantime, please download the app on Google Play Store and let me know what you think. This way, I can make subsequent versions even better!

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